Steve Harvey shares tearjerking story about his wife Marjorie – she was once accused of destroying his previous marriage

Steve Harvey is the living proof that no matter how tough life is, there is always a way back. The now-legendary Family Feud host once wanted to be a comedian but was forced to sleep in his car to survive. He had to steal to make ends meet – and at one point it looked like it was game over for him.
Fortunately, Steve Harvey never gave up, and today, he is living his best life. After two divorces he married the love of his life, Marjorie, in 2007 and today, they are still happily married.
Despite some rough times – when Marjorie was accused of sabotaging Steve’s second marriage – the couple are stronger than ever. And weeks ago, Steve Harvey shared beautiful words about her that made fans tear up.
Born on January 17, 1957, in Welch, West Virginia, Steve Harvey was the youngest of five children to parents Eloise and Jesse Harvey.
Growing up, he had a stutter, which made him very uncomfortable around people. But as we know today, this would change.
Steve Harvey –early life
In 6th grade, Harvey and his classmates were supposed to pen down their dream job. He wrote that he wanted to become an entertainer, only for the teacher who gave the assignment to ridicule him in front of the whole class.
The teacher thought he could never become an entertainer with his stutter and even went as far as to call Harvey’s mother to tell her that her son had to dream about something else.
But young Steve had a dream that he would pursue no matter what other people thought. Instead of lying down and accepting that it was impossible, he sought the support he needed.
It was his speech impediment that gave Harvey low self-esteem. However, his family backed his dream to the moon and back and always encouraged him to strive for greatness.
As a child, he loved making people laugh. Regarding his stutter, a local deli man helped him slow down his speech and calm down while he was talking. In the end, he outgrew his stutter – and was able to exact the sweetest revenge on his teacher.
Speaking with Oprah, Harvey revealed that he would never forget the day his teacher mocked him for stating that his dream was to become an entertainer.
Instead of getting petty, Harvey decided to “kill with kindness.”
“Every year when the teacher was living, I used to send her a TV for Christmas ’cause I wanted her to see me,” he explained.

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Steve Harvey shares tearjerking story about his wife Marjorie – she was once accused of destroying his previous marriage

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