Robert Downey Jr. Gives Rare Insight Into His Time in Prison

Robert Downey Jr. is undoubtedly best known for his role as Iron Man in the Marvel Comics film franchise. Yet before that success, he was a well-known name in Hollywood – until his career hit a wall following his struggles with addiction. During this time, he was sentenced to a brief stint in prison, something that the actor rarely talks about. While appearing on an episode of Dax Shepard’s podcast Armchair Expert, however, Downey finally opened up about what that experience was like for him.
Struggles with addiction
Although Downey has now been sober since 2003, his journey with drugs began at a very young age. He said his father had been partaking with him since he was only eight. Downey was still able to work on films, even earning an Oscar nomination for his role in the 1992 bio-pic Chaplin. Things really spiraled out of control for Downey, however, when he was pulled over for speeding down Sunset Boulevard in April 1996. When the police searched the car, they found numerous illicit substances and an unloaded gun.

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Robert Downey Jr. Gives Rare Insight Into His Time in Prison

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