My Husband Yelled at My Birthday Party That I Was Too Old to Want

Yesterday was my fifty-seventh birthday, and let me tell you, I’m loving this age! I know who I am, I’ve got nothing to prove, and I’m proud of every gray hair and wrinkle. But my husband, Mike, seems to think it’s hilarious to mock my age every chance he gets. Well, let me tell you about the disastrous turn my birthday party took when he publicly humiliated me.

I had meticulously planned my birthday celebration, decorating the house and picking out a new outfit. I was so excited to have all my friends over. But my joy quickly disappeared when Mike opened his big mouth. He started with the snide comments, questioning if I could “pull off” my outfit and suggesting I get checked out for dementia. It was like a knife to my heart.
Unfortunately, the night only got worse. Mike continued to make nasty remarks about my age throughout the party. From questioning my ability to drink wine to criticizing my choice to have a slice of cake, he seemed hell-bent on ruining my special day. His comments not only hurt me, but they also made me feel humiliated in front of my friends.
Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I confronted Mike, asking him why he was being such a jerk. But his response left me speechless. He yelled at me, saying that I was too old to act the way I did, too old to be attractive, and too old for him. The room fell silent, and I felt like the ground had dropped out from under me.

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My Husband Yelled at My Birthday Party That I Was Too Old to Want

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