Teenager Dies After Dropping Her Phone In Bathtub While On A Call With Her Friend

A 16-year-old girl tragically died after dropping her phone in the bathtub while on a call with a friend.
In today’s digital world, our smartphones are nearly indispensable, even during our most private moments. This habit, however, can be more dangerous than many realize.
The tragic story of Italian teenager Maria Antonietta Cutillo serves as a chilling reminder of the potential hazards that can arise from this seemingly harmless activity.
Cutillo, from Avellino, Italy, was enjoying what should have been a relaxing bath when tragedy struck.

The teenager was reportedly charging her phone while holding onto it in the bath of her parents’ home.
It’s believed the device slipped from the teenager’s hand, triggering a short circuit after falling into the water.

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Teenager Dies After Dropping Her Phone In Bathtub While On A Call With Her Friend

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