Celine Dion reveals gruelling method she used every day to be fit to open the Olympics amid Stiff Person Syndrome

Earlier this year, Dion spoke to French Vogue and revealed the methods she’d taken to get fit for her Parisian stage comeback.
She admitted to the publication she’d been undergoing physical and vocal therapy each day to make good on her promised appearance.
“There’s one thing that will never stop, and that’s the will. It’s the passion. It’s the dream. It’s the determination,” Dion explained.
“The way I see it, I have two choices. Either I train like an athlete and work super hard, or I switch off and it’s over.
“I stay at home, listen to my songs, stand in front of the mirror and sing to myself.

“I’ve chosen to work with all my body and soul, from head to toe, with a medical team. I want to be the best I can be. My goal is to see the Eiffel Tower again!”
Thankfully, the mom-of-three’s sheer grit and resolve paid off and she later took to Twitter to express how ‘honored’ she felt to perform at the French event.
“Most of all, I’m so happy to be celebrating these amazing athletes, with all their stories of sacrifice and determination, pain and perseverance,” she typed.
“All of you have been so focused on your dream, and whether or not you take home a medal, I hope that being here means that it has come true for you!”
“You should all be so proud, we know how hard you have worked to be the best of the best. Stay focused, keep going, my heart is with you!”


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Celine Dion reveals gruelling method she used every day to be fit to open the Olympics amid Stiff Person Syndrome