Man went to court to try and change his age to 20 years younger after being ‘discriminated against’ on Tinder

A man tried to legally change his age to reflect that he is 20 years younger after claiming he faced discrimination while dating online.
Meet 75-year-old Emile Ratelband, a former Dutch politician and television presenter-turned motivational speaker.
While looking for a life-partner on the widely-used dating app Tinder, he discovered that due to his age – being 69 at the time – potential suitors weren’t flocking in.
He claimed that there were fewer people swiping right on his profile, and more people ultimately rejecting him – not that it notifies you, but you kind of realise.

So, what does he do?

Keep reading to learn more…

Man went to court to try and change his age to 20 years younger after being ‘discriminated against’ on Tinder

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