Vegan woman takes neighbors to court for barbecuing meat in their backyard

Noisy neighbors are never pleasant.
Cilla Carden can tell you all about noisy neighbors because hers have become a nuisance. In fact, they’ve become so bothersome that she took them to the Supreme Court in Australia.
The massage therapist from Perth, Australia took her neighbors to court because they continuously played basketball and used their barbecue, which, she claimed, caused her to be unable to enjoy her backyard.
“It’s been devastating, it’s been turmoil, it’s been unrest, I haven’t been able to sleep,” Carden told 9News in 2019.
For months, Carden, who is a vegan, has complained that the smell of her neighbor’s barbecue and smoking has bothered her. She has also commented on the children playing basketball.
“They’ve put it there so I smell fish, all I can smell is fish. I can’t enjoy my backyard, I can’t go out there.”

Keep reading to learn more…

Vegan woman takes neighbors to court for barbecuing meat in their backyard

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