Woman discovered her boyfriend was her biological brother after dating for six years

The woman posted that she had made an unexpected and unwelcome discovery about her long-term boyfriend
When you meet the love of your life, there are many things that you might be looking for, but one woman got a lot more than she bargained for.
Meeting ‘the one can feel like a wonderful moment, where you find a true connection with someone for the first time.
However, in this case, it seems that the inexplicable sense of attraction and attachment was coming from something other than romantic interest.
That’s because the woman had found, to her immense shock, that her long-term bf was in fact her biological brother.
To make matters worse, she clarified that it indicated this was not just a half brother -but a full-on sibling.
So they didn’t just share one parent, but both parents.
And yes, by this point in their relationship they had already slept together, leaving her at a loss for what to do.
But how on earth could they not have known?

Keep reading to learn more…

Woman discovered her boyfriend was her biological brother after dating for six years

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