Smiling Depression: Everything You Need to Know

Most of us possess a basic understanding of depression, acknowledging its detrimental and heart-wrenching impact on both the individual experiencing it and their loved ones. Regrettably, we often fail to identify it in others, particularly when someone is afflicted with “smiling depression.”
Depression manifests differently in various individuals. Some individuals conceal their sadness behind forced smiles and repetitive assurances of their well-being.
In 2016 alone, there were a staggering 44,965 recorded suicides, a statistic that leaves one breathless. If I can contribute even in the slightest way to alleviating the suffering of a depressed individual, it is crucial to make an effort. I implore you to share this post with friends and family members who may require encouragement. Furthermore, if you find yourself smiling through the pain, I urge you to read this for your own benefit.
What Is Smiling Depression?

“Smiling depression” is a term used to describe a form of depressive disorder that individuals may experience. Internally, they feel shattered and wounded, yet outwardly, they appear cheerful, engaged, sociable, and highly functional.
It is possible that someone you are currently close to is silently battling immense suffering, but upon initial observation, you would never suspect it. Numerous individuals are unaware of their own depression, as it often goes unnoticed. They continue to persevere without seeking assistance.
In fact, you may personally be encountering the phenomenon of smiling depression.

Keep reading to learn more…

Smiling Depression: Everything You Need to Know

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