Woman Pours Water Over Neighbour’s Son After He Did The Same To Her Cat

Some people support Cooper, as one individual wrote: “If someone bothers my cat, they will have to deal with me.”
“It just proves that if you fail to instill respect in your children, someone else will!” another person remarks.
On the other hand, a mother reveals: “I have twin boys who are 11 years old. If they behaved in that manner and you decided to splash water on them, I am fine with that. It’s just water, they will be fine. A 10-year-old should know better!”
One commentator shared their own experience, recounting how their neighbors used to bully them when they were young. They expressed a wish for their parents to have been firmer with the school principal. Another commentator responded by saying that the situation almost seemed like a continuation of a game, and that it was a good lesson for the child about the consequences of their actions. They then shared a story about their 10-year-old neighbor throwing water over their cat, leading to a retaliatory action and an angry visit from the neighbor’s father.
After her initial post sparked a debate, Cooper explained herself further and defended her actions – stating that she and the neighbours are friends.

“People are so mad over this,” she shared. “The kid and his dad were laughing about it today, we are friends (also might I add the dad never knew what his son [had] done which is why he was mad, to begin with), also the kid is 13 he really looks 10.”
She also posted an image of the cat, who looked like he had survived the shocking incident unscathed.

Astonishing footage appears to show the mythical Bigfoot carrying a baby Sasquatch.

Woman Pours Water Over Neighbour’s Son After He Did The Same To Her Cat