Keanu Reeves Says He And Winona Ryder Have Been ‘Married’ For 30 Years

Ryder once praised Reeves as ‘one of the most special people’ she’s ever met, and Reeves has described Ryder as ‘a remarkable human being.’ They have even confessed to having ‘big, healthy’ crushes on each other at times. Although their feelings have not progressed beyond that, it has recently come to light that they may have inadvertently made a significant commitment to each other.

During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Ryder shared details about her experience working on the 1992 film Bram Stoker’s Dracula, directed by Francis Ford Coppola. She mentioned that instead of a staged wedding, real priests were used in the scene.
Ryder stated, “We actually got married in Dracula. No, I swear to god I think we’re married in real life. In that scene, Francis used a real Romanian priest. We shot the master and he did the whole thing. So, I think we’re married.”
Coppola confirmed the authenticity of the ceremony to The Guardian, saying, “This is pretty authentic and I think very beautiful because we actually did the ceremony and had the priest do the ceremony. So in a sense, when we were all done, we realized that Keanu and Winona really are married as a result of this scene and this ceremony.”

In an interview with Esquire, Reeves elaborated: “We did a whole take of a marriage ceremony with real priests.
“Winona says we are. Coppola (the film’s director) says we are. So, I guess we’re married under the eyes of God.”
Although the accidental marriage may be a fun anecdote for fans of the actor and actress, whether it has any legal standing remains a question.
The scene was filmed for a movie, so it’s unlikely that any legal paperwork was filed.
Whether or not Reeves and Ryder are married, the pair continue to work together and support each other’s careers.

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Keanu Reeves Says He And Winona Ryder Have Been ‘Married’ For 30 Years