Woman told she’s ‘too ugly’ for selfies uploads a selfie a day for a year, refuses to be bullied by trolls

Bullying is one of the most despicable aspects of modern society, I’m sure we can all agree.
Prejudice against someone based on something as trivial as appearance is truly abhorrent behavior, but unfortunately social media has given people a platform to be nasty to one another while benefitting from relative anonymity.
Melissa Blake knows this only too well. A writer, she was told by online trolls that she was “too ugly” to post photos of herself.
Needless to say, Melissa was hurt by the comments, which came after she wrote an article for CNN back in 2019.
When the article went live, a YouTuber shared a photo of her, only for hundreds of people to then attack her appearance. Melissa, who has Freeman Sheldon syndrome – a disorder characterized by abnormalities of the head and face and defects of the hands and feet – was labelled a ‘blob fish’ and a ‘whale’, amongst other things.

Keep reading to learn more…

Woman told she’s ‘too ugly’ for selfies uploads a selfie a day for a year, refuses to be bullied by trolls

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